When Jesus died on the cross,
Salvation came for the lost.
His blood washed our sins away,
An assurance once we’re led astray.
One might surpass this thought:
That forgiveness can’t easily be bought
By good works and deeds alone,
Done by fleeting flesh and bone.
God forgives not because of what we do,
For He sent His Son to proclaim His truth,
That forgiveness is a price,
Paid for by the life of Christ.
It was Jesus who died in our stead,
So that we can be one with God again,
He set things right for all who believe;
So that after death, in spirit we may live.
As He rose again on the third day,
He reminded us that He’s alive always.
With God’s grace we can have faith
In Christ who listens when we pray.
Sin may have ruined us,
God’s creation reduced to dust.
But Jesus renews our lives,
Giving hope in times of need and strife.
Two thousand years have passed,
Yet this truth is bound to last;
Christ has died yet He now lives,
He who loves and always forgives.
May this truth be our comfort
When trouble and doubt come our way.
God’s love does not falter.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.